By: Aaron Wirsing
This past summer, we partnered with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), professor Josh Lawler (UW), and Dr. Michael Case (UW), to initiate a wildlife survey targeting the lands around the John Day Dam known as the John Day / Willow Creek Property. Using a combination of camera and live-trapping, our technicians Erin Morrison and Emily Schafsteck braved the heat and spent three months (June-August) sampling the project lands for mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. Their hard work really paid off, for it resulted in a number of interesting detections, including a black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus, below)!
Erin Morrison (left) and Emily Schafsteck (right), after a great day of small mammal trapping.
We are grateful to Tim Darland and the USACE for this exciting research opportunity, and look forward to 2018!